New Pradaxa lawsuit MDL or Mulitdistrict Litigation will streamline the litigation process, making it easier for Pradaxa bleeding victims to bring a lawsuit against Boehringer and hopefully secure compensation through a Pradaxa lawsuit settlement.
Multiple Judicial Panels are beginning to issue orders consolidating all pending and future Pradaxa lawsuits into single suits. These new Pradaxa lawsuit MDL’s will streamline the litigation process, making it easier for victims injured by Pradaxa to file a lawsuit against Boehringer and secure compensation through a settlement.
Pradaxa is a drug used to treat people after they have strokes or other issues with blood clotting. It is a blood thinner, similar to warfarin and, according to a great deal of testing, it most commonly presents a risk of side effects similar to that popular drug. Recently, however, patients have begun to come forward claiming that this particular drug caused them to suffer side effects that were not anticipated. This is a very popular drug. In fact, there have been over $1 billion in sales of this drug.
The most common reason that people are coming forward with lawsuits over Pradaxa has to do with internal bleeding. Because this is an anticoagulant drug, patients on the drug do have to be very careful about even minor cuts. While you’re on this drug, your body loses much of its natural ability to clot blood and, while that may be life-saving if you’re at risk of a stroke, it can be deadly if you happen to get a bad laceration.
The unanticipated side effect of internal bleeding, however, has brought about multidistrict litigation over this drug. This type of litigation is undertaken when a great many people have a fairly similar legal claim that can be represented by one case. If you haven’t suffered this particular side effect of Pradaxa, however, you still may be able to speak with a product liability attorney about filing a lawsuit over your particular case.
Internal bleeding and some of the other side effects that have been implicated in the use of Pradaxa are deadly. Particularly if the patient doesn’t realize what’s going on until it’s too late, a surgery may not even be able to save them. This leaves the family behind to deal with the aftereffects.
If your family is in this situation, you should consider contacting a Pradaxa wrongful death lawyer. There are so many lawsuits pending about this drug already that it’s likely that the number is only going to continue to grow. This most certainly wouldn’t be the only instance when it was found that a pharmaceutical company put something out on the market that put people at unreasonable risk.
The only way to find out whether or not you really do have a potential product liability lawsuit on your hands is to speak with a qualified Pradaxa lawsuit attorney. The faster you do it, the better.